About me

I am a litigation lawyer before courts of all levels, including the High Court of Cassation and Justice and the Constitutional Court, with 20 years of experience in a leading law firm.

About me

I am a litigation lawyer before courts of all levels, including the High Court of Cassation and Justice and the Constitutional Court, with 20 years of experience in a leading law firm.

About me

I am a litigation lawyer before courts of all levels, including the High Court of Cassation and Justice and the Constitutional Court, with 20 years of experience in a leading law firm.

About me

I am a litigation lawyer before courts of all levels, including the High Court of Cassation and Justice and the Constitutional Court, with 20 years of experience in a leading law firm.

About me

I am a litigation lawyer before courts of all levels, including the High Court of Cassation and Justice and the Constitutional Court, with 20 years of experience in a leading law firm.


My experience

- Divorce;
- Division of property;
- Parental responsibility;
- Minor's residence;
- Obtaining parental consent;
- Enforcement of judgments concerning minors;
- International child abduction.

– Real estate / movable property claim;
– Expropriation;
– Dismemberments of ownership or other rights in rem;
– Divison of inheritance rights;
– Cancellation of will;
– Reduction of excessive donations;
– Tort liability;
– Reputational damage claims;
– Malpractice;
– School bullying.

– Disputes arising from contractual relations, interpretation and enforcement of contracts;
- Debt recovery;
– Corporate law proceedings, including the cancellation of the AGM or other proceeedings relating to the company administrator's mandate;
– The nullity of abusive clauses in bank credit contracts, including collective actions - class actions.

– Annulment of the dismissal decisions;
– Annulment of the disciplinary sanctions;
- Moral damages;
– Workplace harrasement/ mobbing.

- Annulment of administrative acts issued by plublic authorities, recovery of damages caused;
- Conclusion, modification, cancellation of an administrative contract;
- Acts of discrimination identified by the National Council for Combating Discrimination.


My experience

- Divorce;
- Division of property;
- Parental responsibility;
- Minor's residence;
- Obtaining parental consent;
- Enforcement of judgments concerning minors;
- International child abduction.

– Real estate / movable property claim;
– Expropriation;
– Dismemberments of ownership or other rights in rem;
– Divison of inheritance rights;
– Cancellation of will;
– Reduction of excessive donations;
– Tort liability;
– Reputational damage claims;
– Malpractice;
– School bullying.

– Disputes arising from contractual relations, interpretation and enforcement of contracts;
- Debt recovery;
– Corporate law proceedings, including the cancellation of the AGM or other proceeedings relating to the company administrator's mandate;
– The nullity of abusive clauses in bank credit contracts, including collective actions - class actions.

– Annulment of the dismissal decisions;
– Annulment of the disciplinary sanctions;
- Moral damages;
– Workplace harrasement/ mobbing.

- Annulment of administrative acts issued by plublic authorities, recovery of damages caused;
- Conclusion, modification, cancellation of an administrative contract;
- Acts of discrimination identified by the National Council for Combating Discrimination.


My experience

- Parental responsibility;
- Minor's residence;
- Obtaining parental consent;
- Enforcement of judgments concerning minors;
- International child abduction.

– Real estate / movable property claim;
– Expropriation;
– Dismemberments of ownership or other rights in rem;
– Divison of inheritance rights;
– Cancellation of will;
– Reduction of excessive donations;
– Tort liability;
– Reputational damage claims;
– Malpractice;
– School bullying.

– Disputes arising from contractual relations, interpretation and enforcement of contracts;
- Debt recovery;
– Corporate law proceedings, including the cancellation of the AGM or other proceeedings relating to the company administrator's mandate;
– The nullity of abusive clauses in bank credit contracts, including collective actions - class actions.

– Annulment of the dismissal decisions;
– Annulment of the disciplinary sanctions;
- Moral damages;
– Workplace harrasement/ mobbing.

- Annulment of administrative acts issued by plublic authorities, recovery of damages caused;
- Conclusion, modification, cancellation of an administrative contract;
- Acts of discrimination identified by the National Council for Combating Discrimination.


My experience

- Divorce;
- Division of property;
- Parental responsibility;
- Minor's residence;
- Obtaining parental consent;
- Enforcement of judgments concerning minors;
- International child abduction.

– Real estate / movable property claim;
– Expropriation;
– Dismemberments of ownership or other rights in rem;
– Divison of inheritance rights;
– Cancellation of will;
– Reduction of excessive donations;
– Tort liability;
– Reputational damage claims;
– Malpractice;
– School bullying.

– Disputes arising from contractual relations, interpretation and enforcement of contracts;
- Debt recovery;
– Corporate law proceedings, including the cancellation of the AGM or other proceeedings relating to the company administrator's mandate;
– The nullity of abusive clauses in bank credit contracts, including collective actions - class actions.

– Annulment of the dismissal decisions;
– Annulment of the disciplinary sanctions;
- Moral damages;
– Workplace harrasement/ mobbing.

- Annulment of administrative acts issued by plublic authorities, recovery of damages caused;
- Conclusion, modification, cancellation of an administrative contract;
- Acts of discrimination identified by the National Council for Combating Discrimination.

Cu ce vă pot sprijini

Lăsați-vă ghidați de experiența mea în domeniu

Angajată pentru liniștea ta sufletească

Cu o abordare empatică și dedicată, mă asigur că vă simțiți în siguranță și înțeleși în timpul întregului proces legal, astfel încât să vă puteți concentra pe liniștea dumneavoastră sufletească.

Experiență legală unică

Fie că aveți nevoie de asistență în afaceri, litigii, drept imobiliar sau alte domenii juridice, sunt aici pentru a vă ghida și proteja interesele.

Conectată cu clienții mei

În peisajul juridic complex și în continuă schimbare de astăzi, a avea alături un consilier juridic de încredere poate face diferența de expertiză.

Diligență în cazul tău

Cu o concentrare deplină asupra nevoilor și intereselor dumneavoastră, vă asigur că veți beneficia de o reprezentare juridică puternică și eficientă.


My experience

- Divorce;
- Division of property;
- Parental responsibility;
- Minor's residence;
- Obtaining parental consent;
- Enforcement of judgments concerning minors;
- International child abduction.

– Real estate / movable property claim;
– Expropriation;
– Dismemberments of ownership or other rights in rem;
– Divison of inheritance rights;
– Cancellation of will;
– Reduction of excessive donations;
– Tort liability;
– Reputational damage claims;
– Malpractice;
– School bullying.

– Disputes arising from contractual relations, interpretation and enforcement of contracts;
- Debt recovery;
– Corporate law proceedings, including the cancellation of the AGM or other proceeedings relating to the company administrator's mandate;
– The nullity of abusive clauses in bank credit contracts, including collective actions - class actions.

– Annulment of the dismissal decisions;
– Annulment of the disciplinary sanctions;
- Moral damages;
– Workplace harrasement/ mobbing.

- Annulment of administrative acts issued by plublic authorities, recovery of damages caused;
- Conclusion, modification, cancellation of an administrative contract;
- Acts of discrimination identified by the National Council for Combating Discrimination.


Clients experience